If you love to cook over the campfire while you are away on an RV camping trip, a useful piece of camping gear to have on hand is a good pair of campfire gloves. To some, campfire gloves may seem like just something extra to pack, but if you are an avid camper you will wonder why you haven’t already purchased a pair of campfire gloves.
Campfire gloves protect your hands from the heat of the fire while you are cooking your favorite dishes. Cooking over an open flame can mean using higher temperatures than cooking over the RV stove or your home stove.
Good campfire gloves will have:
- A layer of material on the outside that will not burn or melt near hot surfaces, such as leather or canvas with a protective coating.
- They need to be thick enough to shield your hands from extreme heat
- They should be loose fitting to allow the user to easily slip them on and off and be able to remove them quickly in case of a spill
- An added bonus is a bright color to easily find or locate them when needed.
Where to find campfire gloves:
A nice pair of brightly colored insulated camping gloves can be found in many different stores including outdoor stores like Cabela’s, hardware stores, home improvement stores, one stop shopping box stores, or even online from places such as Amazon. The best prices on campfire gloves are usually found at the home improvement stores.

These gloves can be used for more than just grabbing hot cooking tools and dishes; you can also use them to rearrange the wood in the fire, or add another log to keep the fire going. Using gloves to handle firewood also has the added benefit of keeping your hands from getting splinters.
For more camping tips or information on renting an RV please feel free to browse our blog or contact us anytime. And don’t forget to check out our fleets of Seattle travel trailers and RVs, to find your perfect rental vehicle!
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